Splendid and serene: Thus the moated castle Hülsede presents itself in the south of Hannover. The construction was built between 1529 and 1548. For over 400 years the castle is owned by the family, all buildings stand under conservation of monuments and historic buildings and were restored extensively. A fantastic location for unforgettable events!

In the castle itself we offer to you several event rooms:

  • Grey and red vault hall to be connected by the chimney hall
  • Little and big knight's hall
  • Castle kitchen with historical ovens, a well and open fireplace
  • Cellar vault

Right next to it there lies the court area with four other event rooms:

  • Rokkenscheune
  • Wikkenscheune
  • Fachwerkscheune
  • Zehntscheune

The barns dispose of own toilet installation. All event rooms are connected by big meadow surfaces and gravel ways. You can incorporate the extensive castle park into your planning as well as the outside areas. Knight's tournaments and other "spectacles" often take place on our area.

We co-operate with different catering companies, so that you will find a choice in entertaining possibilities.

The inhabitants of the moated castle Hülsede near Hannover will be pleased about your inquiry.

© fiylo Deutschland GmbH

Venue facts
People capacity1200
Number of event areas 9
Venue for Presentation, Movie / Photo, Event
Area Hannover surroundings, Hülsede
Event areaLength (m)Width (m)Height (m)Area (m2) Max. persons (Rows) Max. persons (Classroom) Max. persons (U-Shape Max. persons (Banquet) Max. persons (Gala) Max. persons (Reception)
Großer Rittersaal1894200220200150170150200
Kleiner Rittersaal994100110100708070100
Grauer Gewölbesaal11,47,94125120100607070125
 DJ Anlage
 Zufahrt für LKW

  Bahnhof  12 kmNext Railway Station: 12 km
  Flughafen  25 kmNext Airport: 25 km

Contact data
Wasserschloss Hülsede
Über der Beeke 3
31867 Hülsede

   +49 5043 9870197
Contact person
Frau Alexandra Gräfin
Finck von Finckenstein